About Gabriel Jacob
My investing style has evolved over time and still evolving. Started as a Warren Buffett follower but now am more inclined towards active investing using ETF. The markets that I look at are Singapore, Hong Kong and US. Current portfolio strategy is to create a barbell portfolio, comprising allocation to income asset classes and growth asset classes. I try to generate portfolio returns by decision of allocation to cash, income investments and growth investments. To enhance returns (hopefully), allocation to growth asset classes are divided into short-term allocation and long-term investing.
In short-term allocation, risk-reward consideration is key. There are two important risk-reward aspects to look at. First, from price perspective by looking at the technical analysis. Factors to consider include support level and how much the catalysts have been priced in. Second, from fundamental perspective by considering the catalysts that can potentially move the stock. I believe that buying at higher price with catalysts likely to happen is a better proposition than than buying at lower prices when the catalysts are less clear. Stock market can be irrational, but it is still driven by news and logic. Thus focusing on price movement and fundamental catalysts are key for effective short-term allocation.