Electronic Arts Inc is a game software content and services provider. The Company develops, markets, publishes and distributes game software content for consumers of various video game machines and electronic devices. It also provides game software-related services. The Company’s brands include Battlefield, Mass Effect, Need for Speed, Dragon Age, The Sims, Bejeweled and Plants v. Zombies, as well as brands based on licensed intellectual property such as FIFA, Madden NFL and Star Wars. The Company is organized around three divisions: EA Studios, Maxis and EA Mobile. The EA Studios division develops games and related content and services across a range of game categories, including the FIFA, Madden NFL, Need for Speed, Battlefield, Mass Effect and Dragon Age. The Maxis division creates games, and related content and services that engage player creativity. The EA Mobile division focuses on developing and publishing interactive games for mobile phones and tablets.


-0.500 (-0.56%)
价格区间 88.000 - 90.750   (3.12%)
开盘 89.500
昨收 89.000
买盘 ('00) -
卖盘 ('00) -
成交量 ('00) 149,010.5
成交额 -
价格是当天结束(EOD)的价格。上次更新时间29 Sep 2022.

关于 EA

Electronic Arts Inc is a game software content and services provider. The Company develops, markets, publishes and distributes game software content for consumers of various video game machines and electronic devices. It also provides game software-related services. The Company’s brands include Battlefield, Mass Effect, Need for Speed, Dragon Age, The Sims, Bejeweled and Plants v. Zombies, as well as brands based on licensed intellectual property such as FIFA, Madden NFL and Star Wars. The Company is organized around three divisions: EA Studios, Maxis and EA Mobile. The EA Studios division develops games and related content and services across a range of game categories, including the FIFA, Madden NFL, Need for Speed, Battlefield, Mass Effect and Dragon Age. The Maxis division creates games, and related content and services that engage player creativity. The EA Mobile division focuses on developing and publishing interactive games for mobile phones and tablets.

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