A small fish looking at what the big fishes are trying to achieve
Play small risk small, now wrong nevermind. eg today my trade -20% doesn't matter, as long i trade a good asset stock, time will turn the result.
Joined 06 Apr 2018
About Jian Ming Lee
"Money is very easy to spend, but hard to earn",
"to profit first u must know how to lose money"
In the beginning, everything is void & empty known as the null space.
In the market, the sum of winners and losers is zero. (A.K.A. zero sum game)
Where there are sellers able to make a big profit from the sale of selling high, there must b buyers willing to pay the high price.
Vice versa at the bottom where panic sellers are liquidating their holdings, buyers are able to get at low wholesale price.
The only time when u r right is when the market is agreeing to your direction with the correct timeframe.
Value is what u get after u pay for, do not expect it from cheap people.
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