Final Round: SG Active Trading Tournament 2021
DBS 5xLongSG211105 ▼ -0.056 (-2.62%)
OCBC 5xLongSG211105 ▼ -0.018 (-4.95%)
PingAn 5xLongSG211105 ▼ -0.005 (-13.28%)
Singtel 5xLongSG211105 ▼ -0.001 (-2.90%)
Tencent 5xLongSG211105 ▲ +0.010 (+2.86%)
UOB 5xLongSG211105 ▼ -0.027 (-2.52%)
Venture 5xLongSG211105 ▼ -0.022 (-6.17%)
DBS 5xShortSG211105 ▲ +0.001 (+6.24%)
OCBC 5xShortSG211105 ▲ +0.002 (+6.14%)
PingAn 5xShortSG211105 ▲ +0.010 (+11.69%)
Singtel 5xShortSG211105 ▲ +0.002 (+4.93%)
UOB 5xShortSG211105 ▲ +0.002 (+3.20%)
AIA 5xLongSG220225 ▼ -0.005 (-7.15%)
CCB 5xLongSG220225 ▲ +0.002 (+2.72%)
HKEx 5xLongSG220225 ▼ -0.042 (-2.83%)
HSBC 5xLongSG220225 ▲ +0.002 (+1.20%)
Wilmar 5xLongSG220225 ▼ -0.008 (-4.45%)
HSI 7xLongSG220225 ▼ -0.007 (-12.44%)
SiMSCI 7xLongSG220225 ▼ -0.002 (-0.43%)
Tencent 5xLongSG220318 ▼ -0.003 (-21.81%)
Venture 5xShortSG220422 ▲ +0.001 (+3.92%)
SGX 5xLongSG220630 ▲ +0.007 (+3.21%)
Sands 5xShortSG220630 ▼ -0.007 (-35.24%)
OCBC 5xLongSG221201 ▲ +0.002 (+0.18%)
PetroCH 5xLongSG221201 ▼ -0.001 (-10.44%)
KepCorp 5xShortSG221201 ▼ -0.001 (-11.53%)
OCBC 5xShortSG221201 ▲ +0.001 (+2.68%)
UOB 5xShortSG221201 ▼ -0.001 (-2.72%)
AREIT 5xLongSG221208 ▲ +0.001 (+2.91%)
CMOB 5xLongSG221208 ▼ -0.002 (-2.76%)
SHKP 5xLongSG221208 ▼ -0.001 (-1.65%)
CLIFE 5xShortSG221208 ▼ -0.001 (-25.80%)
SHKP 5xShortSG221208 ▲ +0.001 (+2.54%)
CNOOC 5xLongSG230331 ▼ -0.005 (-7.01%)
Geely 5xLongSG230331 ▲ +0.001 (+255.19%)
PetroCH 5xLongSG230331 ▼ -0.015 (-13.01%)
AREIT 5xLongSG230404 ▼ -0.007 (-5.67%)
CityDev 5xLongSG230404 ▲ +0.005 (+7.95%)
SiMSCI 7xLongSG230404 ▲ +0.071 (+5.64%)
Genting 5xLongSG230420 ▲ +0.004 (+0.56%)
SIA 5xLongSG230420 ▼ -0.018 (-5.40%)
HSI 5xLongSG230420 ▼ -0.001 (-2.19%)
SiMSCI 5xLongSG230420 ▲ +0.011 (+1.50%)
HSI 5xShortSG230420 ▼ -0.001 (-2.80%)
SiMSCI 5xShortSG230420 ▼ -0.002 (-1.75%)
JD 5xLongSG230615 ▲ +0.004 (+42.00%)
JD 5xLongSG230615A ▲ +0.004 (+10.00%)
Alibaba 5xLongSG230627 ▲ +0.001 (+372.00%)
Alibaba 5xLongSG230627A ▲ +0.002 (+31.00%)
Alibaba 5xShortSG230627 ▼ -0.073 (-71.01%)
Alibaba 5xShortSG230627A ▼ -0.357 (-69.45%)
Xiaomi 5xLongSG230712 ▲ +0.001 (+4.00%)
SiMSCI 7xShortSG230712 ▲ +0.001 (+4.11%)
AAC 5xShortSG230825 ▼ -0.001 (-64.04%)
Wilmar 5xShortSG230825 ▼ -0.001 (-1.97%)
NetEase 5xShortSG230907 ▼ -0.015 (-70.59%)
HSBC 5xLongSG230920 ▲ +0.126 (+7.44%)
KepCorp 5xLongSG230920 ▼ -0.575 (-4.53%)
Sunny 5xLongSG230920 ▲ +0.001 (+4.00%)
Galaxy 5xShortSG230920 ▲ +0.001 (+949.23%)
Venture 5xShortSG230920 ▲ +0.012 (+2.54%)
AAC 5xLongSG231214 ▲ +0.001 (+19.00%)
AREIT 5xShortSG231214 ▼ -0.002 (-2.55%)
CityDev 5xShortSG231214 ▼ -0.018 (-8.30%)
Singtel 5xLongSG231214 ▼ -0.014 (-7.13%)
HSCEI 7xLongSG231215 ▲ +0.001 (+508.81%)
HSCEI 7xShortSG231215 ▼ -0.008 (-55.69%)
SiMSCI 7xShortSG231215 ▼ -0.087 (-9.70%)
AIA 5xShortSG240125 ▲ +0.001 (+2.63%)
HKEx 5xShortSG240125 ▼ -0.001 (-0.60%)
HSI 7xShortSG240125 ▼ -0.015 (-8.85%)
Alibaba 5xShortSG230202 ▼ -2.646 (-27.29%)
Tencent 5xShortSG230202 ▼ -0.002 (-35.13%)
ALIHLTH 5xShortSG220216 ▼ -0.135 (-10.35%)
BYD 5xShortSG220216 ▼ -0.002 (-17.48%)
Kingdee 5xShortSG220216 ▼ -0.078 (-28.47%)
Meituan 5xShortSG220216 ▼ -0.007 (-18.13%)
HSTECH 5xLongSG230216 ▲ +0.001 (+427.86%)
HSTECH 5xShortSG230216 ▼ -0.022 (-24.31%)
CLIFE 5xLongSG220302 ▲ +0.003 (+0.87%)
CLIFE 5xShortSG220302 ▲ +0.021 (+1.71%)
CNOOC 5xShortSG220302 ▲ +0.002 (+1.39%)
HKEx 5xLongSG220302 ▼ -0.007 (-3.08%)
PingAn 5xShortSG220302 ▲ +0.040 (+2.89%)
Kuaisho 5xShortSG220307 ▼ -0.008 (-12.88%)
BYD 5xLongSG220315 ▼ -0.038 (-45.87%)
CSPC 5xLongSG220315 ▲ +0.025 (+20.51%)
CSPC 5xShortSG220315 ▼ -0.039 (-17.61%)
PAHLTH 5xShortSG220315 ▲ +9.129 (+17.24%)
Sands 5xShortSG220315 ▼ -0.890 (-33.52%)
Lenovo 5xShortSG220316 ▲ +0.004 (+4.21%)
MYCloud 5xShortSG220316 ▲ +0.004 (+10.94%)
Nongfu 5xLongSG220316 ▲ +0.011 (+9.74%)
Smoore 5xShortSG220316 ▼ -0.002 (-21.97%)
CMOB 5xLongSG220323 ▲ +0.097 (+12.72%)
CNOOC 5xLongSG220323 ▲ +0.469 (+20.30%)
Xiaomi 5xLongSG220323 ▲ +0.002 (+40.65%)
Galaxy 5xShortSG220328 ▲ +0.006 (+2.12%)
Genting 5xShortSG220328 ▼ -0.063 (-4.76%)
PetroCH 5xShortSG220328 ▲ +0.002 (+8.16%)
SIA 5xShortSG220328 ▼ -0.007 (-1.26%)
CityDev 5xLongSG220331 ▲ +0.064 (+11.62%)
DBS 5xShortSG220331 ▼ -0.010 (-4.65%)
Baidu 5xLongSG220511 ▼ -0.001 (-10.82%)
Baidu 5xShortSG220511 ▼ -0.196 (-28.15%)
HSTECH 5xLongSG220602 ▲ +0.001 (+23.01%)
HSTECH 5xShortSG220602 ▼ -0.003 (-0.32%)
BYDElec 5xLongSG220608 ▲ +0.001 (+1.00%)
BYDElec 5xShortSG220608 ▲ +0.068 (+11.30%)
AAC 5xShortSG220621 ▲ +0.940 (+11.78%)
Geely 5xLongSG220621 ▼ -0.001 (-15.98%)
Sunny 5xShortSG220621 ▲ +0.002 (+1.30%)
PingAn 5xLongSG230705 ▼ -0.001 (-63.90%)
PingAn 5xShortSG230705 ▼ -0.001 (-45.97%)
Xiaomi 5xShortSG220705 ▼ -0.026 (-12.44%)
DBS 5xLongSG230713 ▼ -0.046 (-8.50%)
SIA 5xLongSG230713 ▼ -0.009 (-0.35%)
Singtel 5xShortSG230713 ▲ +0.002 (+5.19%)
UOB 5xLongSG230713 ▼ -0.024 (-6.17%)
Venture 5xLongSG230713 ▼ -0.006 (-4.49%)
CCB 5xLongSG240807 ▲ +0.003 (+3.12%)
Tencent 5xLongSG220808 ▼ -0.001 (-7.59%)
JD 5xShortSG220908 ▼ -1.330 (-96.48%)
Kingsof 5xLongSG220908 ▲ +0.001 (+18.19%)
BYDElec 5xLongSG221013 ▼ -0.001 (-19.84%)
BYDElec 5xShortSG221013 ▲ +0.001 (+282.62%)
Galaxy 5xLongSG221013 ▲ +0.008 (+2.45%)
PetroCH 5xShortSG231012 ▼ -0.001 (-38.95%)
Sands 5xLongSG221013 ▲ +0.003 (+5.29%)
InvestingNote & Societe Generale
Welcome to the Final Round of the SG Active Trading Tournament!
After a tough battle of the Elimination Round, 3,000+ participants were eliminated and these are Top 20 traders who made it.
From 11th Oct - 22nd Oct 2021: These are Top 20 traders will compete against each other based on their trades!
Each trader will be starting with fresh virtual capital of $100,000.
Who will emerge as the ULTIMATE TRADER in the Region?
The ULTIMATE WINNERS (based on performance): The top 3 traders with highest portfolio returns will win prizes. A minimum of four trades for each participant is also required to be the top 3 traders.
Prizes to be won
1st Prize: $4,000
2nd Prize: $2,000
3rd Prize: $1,000
Watch the leaderboard closely below and see all their trades & portfolio returns!
Sign up for this exclusive 4-hr Masterclass held over 2 days free-of-charge! (usual cost is $1,100). The class will also include a practical trading course on DLCs!
The Masterclass will be lead by Binni Ong, the Chief Trainer at Terraseeds and SGX Academy with over 15 years of trading experience. Sign-up link:
Ongoing Promos To Place Real Trades:
This simulation campaign will start on 11 Oct 2021
This simulation campaign has ended on 22 Oct 2021
How to Win?
This tournament consists of two rounds:
Elimination Round (13 September - 1 October 2021): A free-for-all trading simulation that includes all participants. Top 20 traders based on highest total portfolio returns will be selected. A minimum of four trades for each participant is also required to be the top 20 traders.
Final Round (11 October - 22 October 2021): Top 20 traders will compete against each other. The top 3 traders with highest portfolio returns will win a prize. A minimum of four trades for each participant is also required to be the top 3 traders.
What do the veteran traders think about DLCs and the Tournament?
DLC provides retail traders with market accessibility to go long/short on various stock indices & individual stocks at a low commission cost due to its leveraged nature. Spreads are tight as well!
The tournament gave us a chance to understand DLCs which is something that we wouldn’t do on our own. I will recommend everyone to use this chance to try out the live simulation before diving in straight with DLCs trading, You can even win prizes, learn and win at the same time!
This is an interesting and challenging game whereby you need to predict the opening price for the next day because usually the next day will open gap up or gap down. And I was “forced” to see many charts everyday. When in Top 10, I will need to see what DLC my competitors that are higher position than me bought. If I was to trade the same as them, then it’s hard for me to overtake them. Anyway, it was a great experience!
SGATT 2019, Most Popular Trader
The competition had provided traders, new and old, a platform to exchange trading ideas, test out my understanding of DLCs and fine tune my trading plans. It was an opportunity of learning based on live simulation and given me confidence how to use DLCs for trading!
SGATT 2019, 2nd Runner Up
As a trader I thrive on liquidity and volatility and this is actually what DLC provides. When I trade in other derivative product, the time decay element has always been my challenge. DLC to me is a like “perpetual option”. If you have a good trade plan on the underlying DLC stock on indices, there are great trading opportunities.
DLC is a good short-term trading instrument for the active traders. With the proper training and risk management, it can significantly enhance the returns on the portfolio.
Technical Analysis Expert
For short-term traders who are good at risk management, DLC is a very good tool to maximize profits when the markets are predicted correctly.
( updated at 22 Oct 2021 17:53 )
Rank |
User |
Account Value |
Total Return |
Profit/Loss |
# 1 |
# 2 |
# 3 |
# 4 |
# 5 |
# 6 |
# 7 |
# 8 |
# 9 |
# 10 |
# 11 |
# 12 |
# 13 |
# 14 |
# 15 |
# 16 |
# 17 |
Top Performing DLCs Today
No |
Underlying |
Underlying Price |
Underlying Change % |
DLC Price |
DLC Bid Change % |
1 |
Galaxy 5xShortSG230920 |
34.300 |
+0.150 (+0.44%) |
0.001 |
+0.001 (+949.23%) |
2 |
HSCEI 7xLongSG231215 |
- |
- (-%) |
0.001 |
+0.001 (+508.81%) |
3 |
HSTECH 5xLongSG230216 |
- |
- (-%) |
0.001 |
+0.001 (+427.86%) |
4 |
Alibaba 5xLongSG230627 |
80.100 |
-2.850 (-3.44%) |
0.001 |
+0.001 (+372.00%) |
5 |
BYDElec 5xShortSG221013 |
39.150 |
- (-%) |
0.001 |
+0.001 (+282.62%) |
6 |
Geely 5xLongSG230331 |
15.320 |
-0.160 (-1.03%) |
0.001 |
+0.001 (+255.19%) |
7 |
JD 5xLongSG230615 |
137.400 |
-4.300 (-3.03%) |
0.004 |
+0.004 (+42.00%) |
8 |
Xiaomi 5xLongSG220323 |
31.650 |
+0.850 (+2.76%) |
0.007 |
+0.002 (+40.65%) |
9 |
Alibaba 5xLongSG230627A |
80.100 |
-2.850 (-3.44%) |
0.002 |
+0.002 (+31.00%) |
10 |
HSTECH 5xLongSG220602 |
- |
- (-%) |
0.005 |
+0.001 (+23.01%) |